Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sewing School: Beautiful Bags!

I am so impressed by the young women in my sewing class! We made large tote bags last week, and in the space of a few hours they learned a running stitch, a whip stitch, designed and completed their own bag, and spent lots of time practicing threading needles and tying knots! There is something so satisfying about watching and helping kids to sew. If you've ever tried to sew on a button, or stitch a seam by hand, you know what I mean. It's not easy and requires patience, fine motor control, coordination, and determination. It's a beautiful thing to thread a needle by hand and sew a seam without a machine; such a large part of our life is dictated and controlled by machines these days (I'm not a total Luddite, really...) that it seems to awaken a different part of the brain when we use our hands to create an object of both beauty and usefulness.

I hope more of you will join me for future Sewing School classes this summer!

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