1. Playdough. I am a huge fan of playdough, especially since making your own batch is quick, easy, economical, and is part of the fun! You can read my previous post for a recipe to make your own! Also, I recently discovered that a squirt or two of lemon juice can substitute for the cream of tarter.
2. Cleaning. Seriously, you just read that correctly! My little ones love to clean with me, and while it sometimes makes my job a tad more difficult, ultimately they do a pretty good job of tidying up. My three year old loves wiping down kitchen cabinets and tables with a spray bottle (I use a little vinegar and water inside). And my 17 month old has a real love affair with our broom! Put on some fun music and get out the feather duster; kids love to help with real work.
3. Water play. There are lots of ways to make water a fun ( and not too messy!) indoor activity. My daughter often takes "fun baths", in other words a bath just for play time. I also have a small water table that I bring into the bathroom and both kids love using it for tiny plastic animals and other bath toys. You don't really need a fancy water table; sometimes I just a big pot filled with a small amount of water. Put it on top of a towel or two, and clean-up is really easy--almost like mopping the floor!
4. Make a mess! Yes, sometimes making a mess is just the best way to involve a young mind! As long as you don't mind doing a little extra clean-up, it's really great to get out flour, salt, water, baking soda, cornstarch, etc. and let the experiments begin! I usually cover the table or the floor with a towel or old sheets and give out small amounts of ingredients to encourage more thoughtful play. (You can even see baby brother making his way towards the experiment container in this photo!)
5. Do you keep a few boxes of old toys stored in a closet somewhere? Bring them out for an old toy party! The old toys will feel new to your little one; it's even fun to go through old baby toys or clothes together and talk about memories, especially if you have a new baby in the house.
6. Shaving cream finger painting. My daughter LOVES doing this! It's not my favorite activity, honestly, because I don't really care for the smell of shaving cream, but it's simple and fun, and definitely keeps her engaged. And as long as you keep it on a tray, clean-up is easy. Some people even do this directly on the wall of the bathtub!
7. And here's my personal favorite invention--I can't really take the credit, as it was all Little Pea's idea. Musical chairs with a toddler, two baby dolls, a stuffed owl, and a three month old in a bouncy seat. I ran the music and we played this for a loooooooong time. And it was a great time, if only because it is awesomely hilarious to play musical chairs this way!
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